What a dilemma to be in — to want to go to heaven, but to still be needed on earth.  Paul says in Philippians 1:23-24, “I am hard pressed between the two.  My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.  But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.”

Paul says he would much rather go and be with Jesus, but right now God has called him to live.  He was ready to die, but willing to live in order to continue helping the Philippian church.  This gives us some insight into Paul’s character.  He was willing to give up his own desires because he wanted what was best for others.  Why would he do that?  Because he was full of the Spirit of Jesus.

Paul’s desire was for these believers in Philippi to make progress in the faith, and to have joy in their faith.  He wanted them to be joyful in their walk with God.  By continuing to live out God’s purpose for him on earth, Paul’s discipling of these young Christians would lead them to spiritual growth and experiencing joy in the Lord no matter what.  Paul would be helping them learn how to persevere amidst persecution, encouraging them to keep supporting his evangelistic ministry, and teaching them how to be unified in Christ.  These Christians could have joy in their faith, because they, too, would be making a difference for God’s kingdom, and Paul was God’s appointed man to show them how to do that.

Living for Christ means you’re living in the works that He set out beforehand for you to do.  After God saved you, He gave you special abilities and gifts to use in blessing other people.  In fulfilling God’s purpose for your life you will discover joy in helping other people come to know the Lord.  You can have joy in bearing fruit for God’s kingdom.

As thrilling and glorious as it will be to be in heaven, there are certain things we will not be able to do in heaven:  we will not be able to lead anyone to Christ because everyone there already knows Him.  We won’t have the ability to pray for a friend who’s hurting.  We won’t be able to come alongside someone who doesn’t have what they need.  We can’t do those things because there won’t be any need or disease or sin.  All those things are works we can’t do when we get to heaven.  Paul says to remain in the body is fruitful labor for him.  There are things he can only do while he’s still alive.

Do you want the joy of the Lord in your life now?  Will you be committed to bearing fruit for the Lord now while you are still alive?  What rewards are being laid up for you for your faithful service as a Christian?  God’s purpose for you is not to simply sit around waiting for Jesus to take you to heaven; you must also witness and work for Him so that when you get to heaven, you will have trophies to present for His glory.

Right now you may be ready for heaven, but you’re needed on earth until God’s purpose for you is complete.  God has called you to live and bear fruit for Him, and when you do so you will have the joy of helping other believers grow so they, too, can have joy in their life.